What is It ?


What is it that causes you to get up in the morning?  What is it that causes you to stay up at night?  What is it that will not let go of you even after years and years of trying?  Whatever that IT is for you, it is tied to your destiny.

Close your eyes right now.  What do you see?  Keep looking.  What comes into view?  Some of you may say nothing.  Then what do you hear?  Listen closely.  Do you hear your heart calling to you from deep within?  Can you see yourself in a place of true fulfillment and happiness because you are doing what you want to do; you are where you want to be, with whom you want to be with?  If not then know that you can.   Even if you can see it and hear it already, know that it can become clearer and more focused when you actually obtain it!

The key is in the journey of finding your IT and the journey begins at birth.  The moment you breathe your first breath, you are stepping into the rest of your life.  You can spend it chasing your dreams or fulfilling your purpose, only you can make the choice.

We are all born with certain bents in life.  The Bible says to “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)  The way he should go is his’ or her’s bent or God given gifts, talents, and skills.  Once parents study their children they can determine which way to train or lead them into their destiny.   So many times parents want to raise their children to be “mini-me” when in fact God may have an entirely different plan for their lives.  Life truly begins when you find your reasons for living.  When you see the vision, write it down, and make it plain, that’s when you can truly run and ultimately fly into your life’s purpose.

Even after we find God or He finds us there are still things that are calling to us waiting to emerge and be fulfilled.  Sometimes they are felt as nagging aches, or an itch that needs to be scratched but can’t be reached, that is the It that will be revealed and fulfilled in your life as you read this book. Your true purpose and destiny are waiting to come forth because this is your season to Reign with the King!

Rosalind Y. Tompkins is the author of “As Long As There Is Breath In Your Body, There Is Hope”, “Rare Anointing” “You Are Beautiful” and her latest eBook “U Got To Have It: You Can Have It All!”  She is the founder of the grassroots community-based, non-profit organization, Mothers In Crisis, Inc., the television show host of “In The Know with Pastor Rosalind Y. Tompkins”, a prophetic poet, a spiritual life coach, and the senior pastor of Turning Point International Church located in Tallahassee, Florida.

To get your copy of “U Got To Have It” go to www.UGotToHaveIt.com

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