About Breathe Again


Breathe Again Radio Show Podcast – A moment of Hope, Inspiration, Faith and Solutions, hosted by Author Nicole Cleveland. This show is where we share victorious testimonies of faith, encouragement and motivation.

The stirring stories about overcoming adversity and living triumphant, successful lives encourages and motivate the listeners to not only endure; but to overcome life’s most challenging moments. Whether our listeners are laughing, crying or saying a heartfelt ” I Can Relate ! “, the testimonies are curated with you in mind.  Breathe Again provides inspiration and hope for all people regardless of age, income, race or religion. Anyone  who has experienced a life-changing event, or supported a friend through a life-changing event, will find comfort and comrade in the episodes of Breathe Again Radio Show Podcast.

Share Your Story

Contact: producer@nicoleconline.com for more information

2 thoughts on “About Breathe Again

  1. Tokia Wright

    Hello, my name is Tokia Wright, a rising senior at I.C. Norcom high school. I would be very interested in doing an interview with Nicole Cleveland for channel 47 Portsmouth Schools Educational Television maybe in late September or whenever she would like to. I read about her and I think that she is a person that people would really like to know… atleast I do. I’m not sure how to contact her directly so I am just leaving this reply hoping that it would reach her. I hope I hear something back soon. Thank you.

  2. Constance Cooper

    Hello Nicole,
    I was first told about your magazine by Rhonda White The Energizer. I am a new author. I recently published my first book. It is an autobiography of how God saved me from me.
    I was a cocain addict for 17yrs. To God be the Glory.
    I am totally healed, delivered, and set free. “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”.
    It took me a total of 7yrs to complete this assignment that the Lord trusted me with. Rhonda thought you would be interested in my story.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you and God bless.


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