Larie Writes – Words of Inspiration – Day 10

What is the Encouragement Campaign?

It is 21 days of Hope, Inspiration & Solutions, just like the mission of our weekly radio show.

Many people don’t know where to turn in the midst of their storm. We tell them to read the Bible, and that’s what they need to do, but where do they go in the Bible? I can remember when I would go to the bible and it was just words. I didn’t know where to go nor what story or scriptures to read. It was just “Thou, Art ,begat, Mennonites,” and many other words I didn’t understand nor could pronounce. ~ Nicole Cleveland, Founder of Breathe Again Magazine

For 21 days you will hear from men and women of faith that have gone from victim to VICTORIOUS !
They will share how they survived and what encouraged them to keep going.

Click here to receive the 21 day series  in your inbox.


Scripture or Song : Genesis 1:26-27 

At one time I was in a place of self-abasement. I didn’t love myself and I felt worthless. I’d been sexually abused and began to despise being a girl. One day I was studying creation and when I got to verses 26-27 “it” rang clear to me that God created man, (me), in His, (God’s), image; an image of love, peace, joy, kindness and a host of other amazingly beautiful qualities. Therefore, I am worth something…a lot actually and I love who I am. I was created worthy.

Encouragement: Look in the mirror at God’s beautiful creation. Know this from within. You were created in the image of God!

by: Larie
Author & Speaker
My Heart Speaks…™

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