Divorced and Childless and Surrendering with Kelly Ramsey and Brenda Kelly


BAM061116Kelly Ramsey, founder, and CEO of Developing People, Inc., is committed to helping individuals and businesses discover, develop, and launch their dreams. After relocating from California to Oklahoma in 1998, Kelly went through a divorce that left her childless, empty and without hope. Through concerted efforts of her church family and close friends they helped Kelly to regain focus and create a life full of joy, restoration, and hope. Kelly’s story is a beacon for divorced women and mothers who have entered their 30’s as barren women scared by social ridicule. Kelly’s shares her story of triumph and victory as a mom giving birth to her children after 40 years. It’s in this process that Developing People, was birthed and today Kelly is living the life she imagined as a wife, and mother. | www.developpeople.org

Author Spotlight

Brenda Kelly‘s new book, Live Surrendered Live Free, is an interactive devotional, along with songs written by her is expected to launch next month. In it she shares intimate stories of how she learned to surrender to God’s will. She is a servant leader and inspires women as well as share the peace of God with those who need healing from a life of pain. | www.facebook.com/Brenda-Kelley-951558888290389

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