Are You A Survivor?
Are you Still Dealing with the aftermath of abuse?
Did you bury the memory and now that you’re grown, it’s resurfaced?
Join 4 survivors of sexual abuse and learn how they moved past the hurt, pain and shame. So many individuals are still tortured by what happened to them years ago. Still Stuck.
We are leaders,parents and grown adults still unable to move forward.
Let us help you move forward
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About Our Speakers
Debra Ann Brown Davis is the author of “My Daddy The Devil and Me,”suffered 21 years of mental, emotional and sexual abuse from her biological father. At age fifteen, Davis was brainwashed,and led to a life of drugs, prostitution, and crime by her very own father.
Arrested Development is the term used to describe the occurrence in the human body when a person has experienced something so traumatic in their childhood that it may allow them to grow physically, but still stunted in their emotional, relational, and even spiritual growth.
This outreach was birthed through experiences and testimonies of John & Charlene Donelson. Charlene is a victorious survivor of childhood sexual and verbal abuse.John is also a survivor in his own right, a product of a teenage rape.
Nicole Cleveland is the founder of Breathe Again Magazine, author of “So He Cheated, Now What?. Speaker & Radio Host. Nicole is also a survivor of child sexual abuse. Abused by mutiple men, she thought there was a sign on her head that said, “Touch Me”. She blamed herself for years, but today she knows it was never her fault. Being sexually abused led her down a road of being promiscuous and looking for that “father figure.” Today, Christ fills the void she was searching for and he’s more than she could ever imagine.
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