Holocaust Survivor, Author Roman Ward and Suicide Survivor, Author Shana Joseph


Roman Ward survived and defied the Holocaust. When he was twelve his father, knowing he wouldn’t survive, charged Roman with saving his mother and sister. With only three years of formal schooling, he relied on his wits and instincts to outwit the Nazis and Polish bounty hunters. Now at 87 years young, Roman attributes his survival and his later success in life to God. He says his is a life of miracles. Even in his darkest moments, Roman knew that God was guiding him. His book, “Hanging Hitler’s Long Johns” is the fulfillment of a promise made to his mother more than fifty years go. www.HangingHitlersLongJohns.com


Shana Joseph – At the age of 5, Shana was taken away from her mom due to her drug addiction. She went through foster homes, became violent at the age of 7, smoking weed at age 12, attempted suicide at age 13, joined gangs and sold drugs at age 15. Fell in love with a famous {married} rapper, & had a baby at 16. The death of her baby’s father caused her to
seek Jesus. Her book, “A Young Girl’s Testimony – From Disastrous To Evangelist” inspires, gives hope and sets the reader on fire for the Lord. | www.ShanaJoseph.org

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