Manhandled with Dr. Oliver Reid and Social Media Expert, Sharvette Mitchell


bam111916How do you channel all of the different emotions you have after a breakup? How do you let go and move on? How do you rebuild your self-esteem and your life? Join BAM’s Host, Nicole Cleveland and Ministry Life Coach, Motivational Speaker & Author, Dr. Oliver T. Reid as they discuss: The Manhandled: “Breaking The Man-Code Access Granted Relationship Tour.”  This tour will share solutions to hurt, pain, and grief! Come find out why men/women cheat and how! Discover if you are truly ready to engage in a relationship or if the past has held you hostage. For additional details:

Social Media & Branding Spotlight

Sharvette Mitchell is a past recipient of the Richmond Star Award, featured in publications such as HOPE for Women Magazine, DIVA By Design Magazine & Sista Sense Magazine. As a Social Media Coach who conducts personal & group training and seminars, Sharvette focuses on the use of social networking sites, branding and online marketing tools. She also hosts a weekly talk radio show that airs on 4 internet radio stations and in iTunes. Learn more at

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