Meet Pastor Francine Humphrey

Pastor Francine Humphrey resides in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Her hobbies include music, playing the guitar, cooking ,sewing, calligraphy and art.


Mrs. Humphrey is a speaker, author,songwriter and radio talk show host.She has a passion for people, and giving of  her time to the community. She is also the Pastor of Greater Thou Faith Ministry in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Business Info:

Issues Concerning Women focuses on women reaching their long and short term goals. They assist women and their families in housing, finances, business, and life skills. ICW provides advocacy and services to infuse and stabilize households and foster a sense of community involvement, self-worth and self- determination.
Greater Thou Faith Ministry is located at 5606A Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA
Sunday Morning Service begins at 10:00

Who do you want to connect with?

Women that would like to put passion back into their business and lives.

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