Used & Abused


Broken bones, cuts and bruises,
Bloody noses,swollen black eyes
Beat down for no reason at all
At least I’m allowed to cry

I do everything you want
In order and by your book
But still you expect so much more
So much of me you took

Make-up may hide … Read the rest

Never Give Up: Meet Monica Mazique Smith

Meet  Monica Mazique Smith: A 40 year old  African-American with a physical disability  (Congenital Hypotonia, a form of Muscular Dystrophy) which requires her to use a power wheelchair.

 May you be blessed as you read her personal testimony of faith, determination and never, ever giving up.


Monica’s Story

I … Read the rest

Throwing Away the Remote: A Lesson in Courage




Flipping the page on my Alaska Wildlife calendar to a new month I’m reminded of an encroaching anniversary.

I’ve lost track of how many years passed since my home break-in but even without a calendar on the wall I internally sense its date. My first … Read the rest

Tired,Frustrated & Ready To Quit

 With my head in my hands, I bowed over the kitchen table and prayed aloud. The words I spoke to God that midnight are still vivid in my memory.

“Lord, I’m down here trying to do what’s right. I think I‘m right. I
Read the rest

Larie Writes – Words of Inspiration – Day 10

What is the Encouragement Campaign?

It is 21 days of Hope, Inspiration & Solutions, just like the mission of our weekly radio show.

Many people don’t know where to turn in the midst of their storm. We tell them to read the Bible, and that’s what they need … Read the rest