All Things Well with Deborah Sanford Smith and Secret Places Revealed with Paulette Harper


Deborah Sanford Smith – Diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer in December 2013, Deborah has since learned more about the character and nature of God than she ever thought possible. It is her greatest desire that this journey not be in vain, but that God will be glorified even in this most difficult time. Author of, “All Things Well,” Deborah asks that as you share this journey of life with her, to feel free to laugh, cry, scream, shout, share, and to trust that God’s ways are perfect, that He is Good and He does all things well. |

Author Spotlight

Paulette Harper – a mother, grandmother, Bible teacher, radio host, and writer, Paulette has been mentoring and teaching women how to move forward while dealing with issues for years through seminars, workshops, and conferences. She combines enthusiasm with an energetic speaking style and audiences describe her presentations as inspiring, enriching and encouraging. Paulette is also the author of “Secret Places Revealed,” an inspirational fiction romance. |

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