Created to Worship / I Know Why I’m Here By William Murphy

I was created just to give you all the glory
I was created just to worship and adore thee
You are the son of the living God
Savior of the world
and I was created just to give
you all the glory
Created just to worship and adore thee


Testimony for “I Know Why I’m Here”

They call me a mistake

They say I shouldn’t be here.

God has the power to take your mess and make it a blessing to the nations

The devil can’t tell the truth if he wanted to.

Your baby is NOT a mistake. The devil did not make you pregnant.

The devil can not give you life. God’s got a plan for your life!!




One thought on “Created to Worship / I Know Why I’m Here By William Murphy

  1. Nathan

    Minister William Murphy I truly thank God for giving you the gift of music: we all know that music is a universal language understood by all kindrick & tongues but there are certain music that has a certain sound that reaches beyond emotions it literally touches the heart & no matter what place I’m in this have been my go to anthem I think and sings this song often don’t stop your gift of music especially for the glory of God its working may God continued to bless and keep you and your family in Jesus name I pray Amen


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