Groomed 4 Greatness


In 2005, the founder, Jan House, received a vision to start a youth organization.  However, after developing one successful program after another for churches, non-profits, schools and others, in 2009, Jan finally settled down to focus on the vision.  She wanted a unique youth organization.  Thus came the birth of the G4G Mentoring and Enrichment Academy–one that provides services and programs for all youth (regardless of their socio economic status, background or culture): offers unlimited, unique and educational mentoring opportunities for males and females; seek “global” recognition for the works provided within the organization by the team members as well as youth; offers programs and incentives for adults seeking higher learning;  and implements a one on one mentoring program for males and females that meets their specific needs.

Being spiritually guided by her mother, Lillian Thomas Wynn, Jan decided that the primary demographic focus of the academy would be the youth residing in underserved communities, yet, inclusive of all youth with a desire to participate.

In perfecting the vision, Jan also realized that there was a need to place special emphasis on the needs of middle school youth.  While employed in several middle schools, she observed first hand that, between the ages of 10-13, the youth tend to become more problematic while faced with issues including negative peer pressure, negative media influence, gangs and self esteem obstacles.  Therefore, it was decided that the middle school era was the perfect time for the G4G academy to offer mentoring and other opportunities to males and females.

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