Life Coach, Shelita Winfield and Financial Literacy Advocate, Terri B. Jones


bam100116aShelita Winfield – A survivor of my own bad choices. From the age of 13 until my 30’s, I made poor choices which undervalued my worth as a woman and child of God. I allowed multiple abortions and men to be my guilt trip. Professionally, I was successful. I had completed my undergraduate and  graduate degree but personally, I was broken. It wasn’t until the death of my infant son and divorce from a cheating spouse that I realized I deserved more. I began the process of forgiveness and set myself free that held me hostage for over 20 years. I went from broken to brilliant and now I’m walking in the greatness that God placed in me. Shelita is a Certified Christian Life Coach at

Financial Literacy Spotlight

Terri B. Jones is the co-founder of TJ & TJ Ins. Agency, LLC. As a financial literacy advocate, her mission is to share tried, true and tested foundational components to financial success. She and her husband have 20+ years of experience in the financial, real estate, entrepreneurial, and IT arenas. After years of teaching via live webinars, seminars, conferences, radio, tv and book publishing, they have ventured into the next phase of teaching through online courses. |

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