Lupus Survivor Gwendolyn Young and Exec Producers Ernest and Laequinla Hunter


bam091716Gwendolyn Young was determined to not allow the diagnosis of Systemic Lupus take over her life! Knowing that working a traditional job would be difficult considering her limitations, she began to think about ways to generate revenue. After testing the waters with virtual assisting her new business began to take off. Now 100% focused as an online business manager, Gwendolyn has since built a thriving business with clients in over 8 states and 3 countries. She says many times we focus on the negative of a situation versus the opportunities that can emerge from the situation. |

Black Tie, Red Carpet Movie Review?

Ernest and Laequinla Hunter, Executive Producers and Directors of Caught Up; Memoirs of a Preacher’s Wife, is a groundbreaking, fictional film that explores the dynamics of the local church. This film, which bridges all racial, social, and denominational boundaries, is designed to empower marriages and families to navigate through difficult times. This moving work examines the real issues and dilemmas that are often not addressed in the church. Red Carpet Movie Review, Nov.10, 2016,

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