Meet Joy Turner


Joy resides in Baltimore, Maryland

Her hobbies include spending time with her family, listening to good music, laughing and just enjoying life, being “Content… Right Where I Am.”


Single mommy, author, entrepreneur, musician, speaker, freelance writer and so much more! Joy co-hosts the Christian Authors on Tour Blog Talk Radio Show. She is the music director for her church choir.


Joy is the owner of JetSet Communications & Consulting. JetSet helpsĀ  authors, artists, businesses and ministries promote their business, book or brand. This allows them to reach higher heights, expanding “clouds above the rest”! They offer a wide range of services including press kits, press releases, bios, articles, web content, business plans, ghostwriting in addition to marketing campaigns as well as some design services.

Joy wants to connect with people who desire to walk in the joy of the Lord in their business as well as professional lives.

Visit her site here





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