Dr. Olive C. Brown is a powerful prophetic voice, a Pastor’s, Pastor and a trailblazer. Author, Pastor, Presiding Prelate and Powerful Woman of God. A leader among leaders. A prophetic voice in a world full of noise. She is Kingdom minded and Kingdom focused. Her heart beats for hurting people. … Read the rest
Raising a Successful Child with Down Syndrome & Gospel Artist ALACHE
Rev. Donita Edwards is the founder of Birthright Kingdom Deliverance Ministries, Inc.; published author of two books: “The Man You Are Trying to Marry Is Not Your Husband” (2013) and co-authored, “Then There Were 3: Wake Up to Your Ministry Call” (2015); and a Saturday morning radio host on AM1270. … Read the rest
Saved and Single with Dr. Willie Mae Hawkins
Dr. Hawkins is a motivational speaker, consultant, certified life coach, author, workshop/seminar presenter and TV host. Her role transforming lives began as a trailblazer for a single-parent families and lecturing to leaders who are interested in leading them. She is the founder and president of Spring, Inc.- A National Single … Read the rest
Overcoming Brain Surgeries with Dr. Alisha Broughton & P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E
Dr. Alisha Broughton is a walking, preaching, teaching miracle. She has survived multiple brain surgies and is on fire for God. She is the author of three books: Living on the Edge (Book of Poetry), Business Practices & Principles: Broke Yesterday-Rich Today and Releasing the Pain-Walking in Healing. www.linkedin.com/in/alishabroughton
Spotlight:… Read the rest
God,Love & Divorce with Danita Sanders & Black Wall Street
Danita Sanders is a lover of life, love, and all things Jesus.
As a mother and divorcee, Danita discovered she has talents in many arenas, but her one passion that can be found in everything she does is helping others.
Writing became a way to get what she was thinking … Read the rest