Psychologist-Author, Dr. Harold L. Arnold, Jr. and Cancer Survivor, Karen Rice


bam102916Dr. Harold L. Arnold, Jr., founder of The Pursuit of Influence, is a social and organizational psychologist who specializes in developing family-focused culture in homes, places of worship, and business settings. Dr. Harold is author of three marriage books and one leadership development book all based on his own unique model for relationship-faith integration. Currently spearheading an initiative to bring 1000 Christian couples together for spiritual & marital renewal, His book, The Unfair Advantage: A Grace-inspired Path to Winning at Marriage” offers a unique perspective on how to guarantee marriage |

Cancer Survivor Spotlight

Karen Rice is a two-time cancer survivor. Her book chronicles her true life experiences during my journey of many trials and tribulations. Karen said, “one day I experienced something of a miracle and felt the compulsion to write it down. I turned that experience into a poem and called it “Peace”. Karen took that poem along with many others and placed them into a book titled,“True Simple Poems of Life faith and Survival.” Karen believes when you survive a horrific tragedy, it’s for a reason, a purpose, & her’s is inspiring others.

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