Shattering Your Strongholds: Paroled Princesses in Self-Produced Prisons

“There is a difference between being delivered and having freedom.
Deliverance is a physical thing, freedom is purely psychological.”

“Dear Woman,

 Are you comfortable in your confinement? My guess would be yes. You can be free if and when you really want to be. So stop blaming me, and let me help you. I am not your enemy.”
Ladies, this topic is not a typical “From a man’s point of view” topic, because we all deal with it. But, I share it simply because men do tend to get beat down quite a bit for some things, which are mostly products of your own thoughts.

Has anyone ever told you that there is a difference between deliverance and freedom? Deliverance is a physical thing, freedom is purely psychological. Moses was the physical deliverer of the Israelites and brought God’s promise to reality. Their deliverance was successful, but although they were far away from Egypt and out of harm’s way of Pharaoh’s army, they could not be set free from the bondage of their own slave mentality. Not even God would change their minds. Therefore, they could not be allowed to enter the Promised Land, because of an old imprisoned mindset. You are responsible for your own freedom.

As En-vogue used to say back in the day, “Free your mind, and the rest will follow”. If you allow it, your very own mind will fool you into thinking you are still in prison, when the doors are not even locked. The liar has been defeated with the truth, but the after effects of the lies that you were told still remain.

Why do we spiritualize everything we experience in life or demonized everything that comes up against us? Spiritual warfare is waged in our minds, it’s not against demons. The only thing that moves the devil from being under your feet is if you allow him to get into your head. God uses Angels to fight demons, we fight our thoughts. We’re not even supposed to fight against other people, but the very ones we say we love, get it the worst. Walking in the flesh is simply having a wrong way of thinking, or living life based on our wrong thoughts. Walking in the Spirit is simply a right way of thinking and acting on it.

Ephesians 6:10-19 teaches us about our real enemies, (the word Prince means first, or ruler. A principal is a person, the first ruler. A principle is an idea or thought, a rule or standard that controls a law regarding practical life. So principalities are the first line of thought that rule your mind, and sets the standard for how we conduct our daily lives. Now read 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 in the context of thinking.

The wiles of the devil, his plans or methods (meth: a systemized way of doing things / odos: a road). So Satan’s method is to make a roadway to gain access into your mind in order to affect your entire life. Devil- Greek word for Devil is diablos (dia: circle, hole, diameter / bolos: to throw, hurl, or shoot).

Satan is one who throws accusations for you to receive, believe, or as suggestions for you to consider, meditate on, and eventually follow. Your initial thought is not the sin; it’s the follow-up that gets you.

The context of Romans 12:1-3 is actually dealing with our thinking (spiritual warfare). YOU present your bodies a living sacrifice. This is YOUR reasonable service. Your worship, is to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so (that you might know the good, acceptable, perfect will), as you wash your thought life with the word; you eliminate Satan’s access into your life.

The war is in you, but it’s not between you and the devil. The battlefield is in your mind, between your spirit (the real you) and your soul (your innermost thoughts, subconscious mind). You think it’s too difficult to control your thoughts and mind? If everyone could see your thoughts, would you be able to control them then? I thought so.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Thoughts lead to imaginations, (images) and imaginations lead to strongholds (your way of thinking). Strongholds cause you to form decisions, whether they are right or wrong. You build a mental fortress to protect them, (your personal right to believe what you believe, based on your past experiences, perception, religion, family, community, etc.).

So, how do you break out of this self-imposed prison that have been holding you hostage for your lifetime? First, you cast down strongholds by casting down your imaginations. You cast down your imaginations by taking every thought captive to make sure that it is in obedience to the word of God (Christ Jesus). You create a system of replacing your wrong thoughts with right thoughts, immediately.

To take captive, means to conquer with a sword (the Word of God), i.e. (Put on the full Armor of God). Take every thought captive when it appears, when you recognize it, you are removing another brick.

 Proverbs 4:23,
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it flows the issues of life. Above all else, guard your heart (carefully watching the activity of your thoughts, motives, and intents), because everything that happens in your life will start with your perception of reality and your thinking.
You become what you say, You say what you believe, You believe what you think,
You think what you hear, You hear what you listen to, You listen to what you agree with
You agree with what you allow, You allow what you do not confront
You do not confront what you fear, You fear what you do not love
You do not love what you do not understand, You do not understand what you reject
You reject the very thing, That comes to bring you deliverance
…and therefore deny your own FREEDOM 

John L. Donelson is the author of the forth coming book:

Letters to a Woman From a Man’s Point of View
How to Deal With Male P.M.S.
Power, Money, and Please Don’t Forget the Sex!

Facebook: Letters to a Woman From a Man’s Point of View

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