Tag Archives: Breathe Again Radio Show

Are you Single & Satisfied or Single and Ready for a Relationship ?

Valentine’s Day is next week and I’m chatting with a few single sisters.Each year, thousands of women are sad and depressed,  because they have no “boo” to share it with.

Some women are at peace with being single and others are ready for a relationship.

Are you Single & Satisfied

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Overcomer, Dawn Howard and Author, Kelly Cole

Join me as I chat with overcomer, Dawn Howard.
Childhood molestation, domestic violence, and sexual assault took Dawn down a lonely road. For years she suffered with low self esteem. Learning who God was and having a personal relationship with him changed everything about her life. Today, Dawn is spoken … Read the rest

The Journey to Find Me with Tonia Snowden

Author & Speaker, Tonia Snowden’s desire and calling is to show you what faith looks like through her eyes and inspire you to recognize just how much power each one of us has.Listen as Tonia shares her journey, which is sure to inspire you to create and manifest your hopes

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Trusting in God Through All of Life’s Trials with Terri Clay



Meet Terri Clay!

She is inspiring, empowering and a beacon of hope to everyone she encounters. Born into a middle-class, close knit family with core Christian values and morals, Terri Clay,  author of “From Fab to FIERCE”  understands the need to obey God and follow His instructions. It … Read the rest

A Prisoner’s Wife & Lisa Godley

Radio Show_Prisoner's Wife and Lisa Godley

Episode #22

One on One with a Prisoner’s Wife

Listen as Nicole interviews Mrs. GE 6309, AKA Reesy Floyd-Thompson, founder of Prisoner’s Wives Girlfriends and Partners. Reesy is on a mission to ensure relationships stay together  inside and outside the cell walls. www.reesyfloyd-thompson.com

My Friendz Network spotlight is  Lisa Godley, … Read the rest