Women Leaders & Entrepreneurs Summit and Business Expo

Nicole with speaker Francine Humphrey and event hosts,Lilisa Williams and Angelavette Williams.


On Saturday, August 25, speaker, writer, women’s empowerment expert and Pastor, Francine Humphrey and I got in my vehicle to drive over 5 hours to Newark, New Jersey ( at 3am ) . Surviving off 2 hours of sleep I was determined to make it to the Women Leaders & Entrepreneurs Summit and Business Expo hosted by author Lilisa Williams and Angelavette Williams.

The theme for the event was Releasing Your Power, Aspiration & Innovation.

WBLS announcer Liz Black was the host (and boy was she a hoot). The women in the room came in anticipation for information and that’s exactly what they received.

Francine did an excellent job. She was funny, inspiring and on point. She reminded us to be a product of our business, don’t care what others think and be mindful of our brand. What you do, where you go and how you look is all tied to your brand. I am so proud of her and what she has set out to do in this chapter of her life. www.issuesconcerningwomen.com

The keynote speaker was the super charged and phenomenal, Dr. Gwendolyn Goldsby Grant, Multi-media Psychologist/Lecturer Speaker, Writer and author of The Best Kind of Loving.

She was so inspiring and full of wisdom. She was too, too funny. (did I say funny?)
“What you say becomes your day” she told us.She spoke to who we really are on the inside, not that junk we think, but the real stuff, We are so much greater than what we think. We are powerful. Dr. Grant left us with the 7 Ups.Think Up – Speak Up – Start Up – Step Up – Hold Up – Hang Up & Stand Up
Grab Dr. Grant’s book today.

Nicole & Keynote Speaker, Dr. Gwendolyn Goldsby Grant

All of the speakers were amazing.

Lois Greene, Vice President, Ambulatory Services with Newark Beth Israel Medical Center left us with the 3 C’s – Choice, Chances & Changes – In life it’s what we do with the choices we make, how we respond to the changes and we must make sure we take chances.

Nicole Upton, motivational speaker and real estate broker from The Potter’s House in Texas gave us valuable information about being a business owner and the importance of networking, talking to people and being friendly. www.uptonre.com

Pam Knight, mentor, business coach and client business / attraction expert spoke on gaining government contracts and told us two things we must stop – Stop networking with the same broke people and Stop chasing clients. www.clientsnowinnercircle.com

Mary Anne Kochut, consultant, life coach and speaker taught on self-empowerment. This woman is fierce. She is a two time cancer survivor and is adamant in helping women learn how to work with one another.

Ms. Boss herself, AKA Audrey Bell Kearney – Show Host, Author & entrepreneur was funny, down to earth and super informed. She shared simple marketing strategies to take our businesses to the next level.www.MsBossNetwork.com

Can’t wait until next year!


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