Linda Dominique Grosvenor-Holland – Words of Inspiration – Day 7


What is the Encouragement Campaign?

It is 21 days of Hope, Inspiration & Solutions, just like the mission of our weekly radio show.

Many people don’t know where to turn in the midst of their storm. We tell them to read the Bible, and that’s what they need to do, but where do they go in the Bible? I can remember when I would go to the bible and it was just words. I didn’t know where to go nor what story or scriptures to read. It was just “Thou, Art ,begat, Mennonites,” and many other words I didn’t understand nor could pronounce. ~ Nicole Cleveland, Founder of Breathe Again Magazine

For 21 days you will hear from men and women of faith that have gone from victim to VICTORIOUS !
They will share how they survived and what encouraged them to keep going.

Click here to receive the 21 day series  in your inbox.



Scripture:  Matthew 6:31-33

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?  (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

This scripture truly ministers to me daily because it takes even our most basic needs and lets us know that no matter what the need, no matter the situation, no matter what it looks like, if God has cared for inanimate objects like the lilies and made sure that the sun shone and the rain fell to water them and allowed them to thrive and grow to show off its beauty, that He will see to our needs as well, providing we seek the Kingdom of God first. The blessing in this scripture is all we have to do is seek Him and all this things we need will be taken care of for us by Him. What a beautiful sentiment to know that our Heavenly Father truly has it all under control.

Encouragement:  No matter how dark the days, never let your love for God waiver. God loves us so much that He will not see His children in need and not meet those needs. As believers God’s provisions for us is a powerful testimony and it can be your testimony too if you allow your faith to stand long enough to receive it.

Linda Dominique Grosvenor-Holland
Love Better Institute

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