Happy New Year from Founder Nicole Cleveland


As we approach 2012 it was on my heart to send one final message.

This past year I wrestled with the vision God gave me .It was a tough year. On the surface it looked great but inside there was a personal struggle going on.

In my timing ( notice I said MY timing ) things were just not moving as fast as they should have been. More pressures were upon me and I ( yes, me ) wanted to throw in the towel. “Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this”, I thought. I have a full time job, moved my mother to Norfolk , have a 21 yr old that is still trying to find himself, kids, a book to promote, husband and so many other responsibilities on me. At times I wanted to run. ( can I just be real ?? ) I am not a super saint, I fall short on many occasions. But what I love the most about God is that he still loves me, flaws and all. When I do good and when I’m in my own head.

Just when I would make up my mind to give up on Breathe Again, I would receive an email or a phone call from someone that came across the website and was encouraged. Calls and emails   came from all over the country. God has a funny way of reminding us of our purpose. Even when we think it’s too much for us.

Galatians 6:9 ( NIV )
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

But I love the Good News translation.

Galatians 6:9 ( GNT)

So Let us not become tired of doing good ; for if we do not give up the time will come when we will reap the harvest (GNT )

I know I’m not alone. So as I encourage you, I am encouraging myself. Together, if we keep pressing, we can complete ( or at least get started ) the task at hand.  Whatever your vision is, big or small, you can do it , if you keep pressing.  ( Don’t get tired )

When I think about the lives we have touched and are currently touching, I am persuading to keep moving forward. Will you move forward with me? Continue the work he has called you to do and I will too.

May you have a prosperous 2012 and may your dreams come true.

Happy New Year!

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