Inspiration for Women

What inspires you?

To live in this present world  you need some inspiration. Life has hit some of us so hard that it seems like we need a move of God to make it day by day. The wind has been knocked out of us and we are in the midst of our storm. The smallest of tasks seem beyond reach when we are hurting.  We are ashamed at the state we are currently in, therefore, we suffer alone. I want you to know that you don’t have to suffer alone. You are not the first, and you won’t be the last. You may be saying , “My situation is different, I am a complete mess  and need a BREAKTHROUGH! ”

Inspiration for Women

In looking  for inspiration on the internet I searched for “ Inspiration for Women”  and found several resources that encouraged, motivated and inspired women from all walks of life.Stories of faith and stories of hope are just a click away.

Are you going through a rough time right now?

If so, you are not by yourself. We all go through our seasons. Sometimes it’s  summertime, the flowers are blooming and the grass is green and other times it seems like winter. It’s cold outside , the grass is dead and the crops have withered away. You continue to ask yourself, “How did I end up here?”

Hang in there. Help is just a click away. You’ll be surprised at all of the stories of faith and stories of hope you will find.  The internet is not all bad,  there are total strangers that want to encourage you. It’s amazing the support you will find if you humble yourself and allow others to help you. Speak up, tell someone that you’re hurting and trust God to bring you out. He did it ( and is doing ) for me.

Sometimes it’s the least likely, that will assist you in your breakthrough.

Be very careful how you entertain strangers, the word of God says that we may be entertaining angels unaware.  ( Hebrews 13:2 )

Take a few minutes and explore the stories on Breathe Again Magazine. Our featured, victorious testimonies will remind you that, we all go through and God is no respecter of persons. If he did it for these women, he will also do it for you.  HIS time is not our time.

I would love to know how you stay inspired?

What inspires you?

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