Happy Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month.

A month to celebrate, focus on and highlight the achievements of the most influential women in history. We are grateful for the women that have come before us and we most definitely honor their accomplishments. Check out this site dedicated to Women’s History Month.https://womenshistorymonth.gov/

We also should honor everyday women that feed, clothe, pray and sacrifice for the sake of their families.

Honor the women that are in your life, not just in the month of March but everyday. It it wasn’t for a woman, you wouldn’t be here.

Women have put their lives on hold for men, gave up their wants for their children and the list goes on and on. Women are the ones up in the midnight hour praying for friends, church members, and family members.

When we are tired and tore down, we keep going. When daddy walks away, we press on. We go without so others can have. When the school calls, they call us at work. When the kid does something to the neighbors dog, they talk to Mom.

Women are working, taking care of the kids, finishing their degrees and pursuing their dreams at the same time.

At church women are the ones making it happen for the leaders.

Women have had their hearts broken over and over again from those closest to them and still go in the kitchen and prepare food and make the plate for the one that broke their heart.

Single Women – Married Women – Women with Kids – Women without Kids- Business Women – I salute you this month.

You are making history everyday. Thank you.

Happy Women’s History Month!

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