Becoming Truly Rich

When we suffer unspeakable, relentless pain and impossibilities…when our lives have been taken by circumstances out of our control…when we are abandoned, rejected, slandered; in desperate need; beaten beyond recognition; when our pain is so deep, dark and refractory that even the plethora of words encompassing human language cannot begin … Read the rest

Meet Pastor Francine Humphrey

Pastor Francine Humphrey resides in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Her hobbies include music, playing the guitar, cooking ,sewing, calligraphy and art.


Mrs. Humphrey is a speaker, author,songwriter and radio talk show host.She has a passion for people, and giving of  her time to the community. She is also the Pastor … Read the rest

Unworthy of God’s Gifts and Calling

Have you ever been put in a situation and you felt unworthy?

Have you ever asked the question, “God, are you sure you’re calling me to this?”

“There are so many more “qualified” people  in that area, pick them.”

Individuals  that know more than you do, have a bigger name … Read the rest

Meet Madelyn Berry

One of the sweetest sounds to God’s ear is the sound of worship.  Worship Leader Madelyn Berry understands that and has no problem giving God all He’s due.  Berry, a powerhouse vocalist, has clearly been gifted with the ability to bring God’s people into His presence.  The recording artist has

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Norfolk, VA: Garden of Hope – Lifeskills Workshop

Always feel unprepared for an interview? Are you lacking confidence, self-assurance or interpersonal communication? Second Chances’ KIP Care program is co-sponsoring a community training with Pathways To Life Inc.
“Preparing For The Interview” on February 12 at 10AM
 The Second Chances program established the Kids of Incarcerated
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