Secret Regrets









Secret Regrets by Kevin Hansen will draw you in as soon as you start reading.

This book will tug at your heart and even bring you to tears. The book is a compilation of hundreds of people sharing past hurts and pains.

We all have done things in this life we wish we could do over. Some things we would rather not share with others. Actions we are not proud of doing, places we’ve gone and people we have hurt.  Secret Regrets by Kevin Hansen is like an anonymous confession room with positive feedback.

To my surprise the comments on the posts were as sincere as the confessed regrets. Initially I thought the comments on the posts would be mean and degrading. To my surprise, it was the complete opposite. People were truly sincere and thoughtful with their comments.

Secret Regrets shows us that we can be open and completely free while sharing those deep dark demons that haunt us and be encouraged by people, just like us that may have been in our shoes.

When we think we are alone in our tears all we have to do is pick up Secret Regrets, read a couple chapters and discover that we are not as bad as we have convinced ourselves.

A must read !

Reviewed by Nicole Cleveland
Author of “So He Cheated, Now What?”
Founder of Breathe Again Magazine


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