Quiet Time with God

In this life you will laugh one day and the very next ,you might cry. We live in a time the world would say is “uncertain”. In the midst of the chaos, how do you find quiet time with God?

Some people are in  a race from the time the alarm clock goes off in the morning until their head  hits the pillow at night. This is not a productive way to live. The hustle and bustle of life will wear you out. You need to reserve space in your life for God. Not just on Sundays, but every day. You don’t have to be in a cathedral for him to meet you. He’ll meet you wherever you are. That’s how much he loves us. If you get still, be quiet and speak to him, he will direct your path. Not shout, scream and cry but just fellowship with him. Be gentle – he is the lover of your soul. There is nothing like time you reserve just for him. It’s so sweet and intimate.

My quiet time with God is early in the morning before anyone gets up in the house. It’s so sweet. It’s my special time – just for him. I talk, I pray, I listen and I sing to my God.

Make sure you set an ongoing appointment on your schedule with God. You won’t be disappointed. You’ll be at peace.

There was a time in my life I was in constant hyper –mode. From early in the morning until 3-4 am in the morning. I would work a full time job, come home, cook, take care of my family and when they went to sleep I would work on my business until the wee hours of the morning. This was not good. It was taking a drastic toll on my mind and my body. I was surviving on 2-3 hrs of sleep each day and the Grace of God.

Finally, I realized, if I was to just slow down and allow the Lord to lead me, I would eliminate most of my time sucking activities that I created for myself.

I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth  thee by the way that thou shouldest go.  ( Isaiah 48:17b)

Next time you set your schedule, make sure to add Quiet Time with God to the agenda.


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