Tag Archives: Single Mom

After the Divorce with Dr. Lexy


Dr. Lexy was married for 7 years and fought to save her marriage. Imagine receiving a text while in a board room with your colleagues that read,” I don’t want to be married anymore.By the time you get home I will be gone.”

My God! How did Read the rest

Looking for Articles to Encourage Single Parents

Breathe Again Magazine is looking for articles to encourage Single Parents.

Are you a single mom with an encouraging story? Are you a single mother that can share tips with other single parents?Share your story or expertise. Click here for more info.

Read other encouraging Single Parent articles.

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Back to School Prayer for Single Parents

prayerforkidsLord I acknowledge you whole heartedly as the source and strength of my life and the life of my child(ren). As the primary caretaker and provider in my home I lean to you for strength and continued blessings over my family, home, finances and health.

Although not your perfect will … Read the rest