Tag Archives: Book Review




“An everyday companion to help navigate through this highway called life.”

SPIRITUAL GPS GOD PROMISED SOLUTIONS by Oliver Reid is a reminder that God is in control. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to get to your destination, just stay on the road, declares the … Read the rest

From Brokenness to Greatness

Sometimes, stepping into greatness actually requires taking a big leap; and that’s just what authoress & entrepreneur LaTersa Blakely talks about in her debut book, FROM BROKENNESS TO GREATNESS.

Mrs. Blakely strategically shares her childhood insecurities which crept into her young adult journey and landed her in the last … Read the rest

Life After the Down Low (A Lily Among Thorns)

Life After the Down Low BookcoverMen on the down low. Affairs revealed. Marriages unraveled. Though the phenomenon is all too common, the discussion about it rises and falls with the times. A universal dialogue typically takes place only when it has to do with a high profile male’s fall from grace. The ‘DL’ lifestyle has … Read the rest


Breathtaking Book CoverAfter struggling with cystic fibrosis all of her life, nineteen-year-old Amber Metz’s health begins a decline that leaves her, literally, breathless and in need of a double lung transplant.

Peppered with narratives from her friends and family, Metz’s novel, Breathtaking, is a testimony of the extraordinary power of God, through … Read the rest